Worksop Christian Centre Life



To Apply for this role, please read through these documents

1.  Find out more About Our Church,

2. WCC Life Statement of Faith,

3.  What we are Looking for in a Pastor

4.  The Job Description.

Applicants to complete our Application Form and return to admin@wcc-church.

Any questions welcome!  

To Apply for this role, please read through these documents

1.  Find out more About Our Church,

2. WCC Life Statement of Faith,

3.  The Job Description.

Applicants to complete our Application Form and return to admin@wcc-church.

Any questions welcome! 

Our desire is to see young people who have grown up through our children’s and youth ministry faithfully serving the wider church family.

As a church our mission is to ‘extend God’s kingdom, one life at a time, by making disciples who make disciples’, whatever their age.

We would love to employ a youth worker who shares this vision and is both willing and able to take this ministry further. 

Do you know and love God? Are you passionate about young people experiencing this love and knowledge?